
Call Now: 877-655-3369
Every page of content on your site should cross link to other content. If you have a blog, throw in a link to older blog posts you've written at every opportunity. Don't go too wild - just 1 to 3 links are fine. I tend to get peeved at sites that cross link too much, so only link to content that is actually relevant to what you're writing about. As the amount of content on your site grows, you'll have more fuel to cross-link to. 
Cross-linking is important because not only does it help search engines find your content, but it helps them figure out which content is the most important. Google does this by calculating internal page rank for each page on your site. It figures out which pages you're linking to most often and emphasizes those pages in the results. The result is that important pages like your home page are ranked higher than content deeper in your site.
That's all for todays edition. Have a great weekend and I'll see you again next week when we'll dive into my favorite part of SEO: Link development, link bait and letting the right people know about your site.


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On Tuesday next week we have a big surprise for the blogging community. A week and a half from now is the official launch of our ebook titled  "The little black book of free online marketing. From launch to your first 5,000 visitors per day and beyond". Next Tuesday we're doing a very limited pre-sale of the book at a discount - available exclusively to members of this list. Tuesday's pre-sale is limited to 100 members and we'll send out the details on Tuesday morning so keep a close eye on your inbox. 
The book contains over 30 years of combined experience in online marketing. It's written by my co-founder and I and is designed to ramp up your blog or website traffic to 5,000 visitors per day and help you keep growing. If you're just starting out or you've plateaued at a few hundred uniques a day, we have carefully constructed a set of solid rocket boosters to put your site traffic into orbit. Our current business is the massively popular Feedjit and our previous projects have been featured in Time Magazine and the NY Times. We've included a bonus section which I'll tell you more about in Monday's edition of The Daily Feed. 


Call Now: 877-232-1138
Welcome to the ToshibaDirect Affiliate Program! We are excited to have you as a partner and look forward to providing you the with the tools necessary to be successful in your promotions. is your one-stop shop for Toshiba laptops, tablet PCs, netbooks, and laptop accessories.  It is the ONLY place to customize a Toshiba laptop! ToshibaDirect also sells electronics such as cameras, printers, GPS systems, and more.  With an average laptop price of over $500, there's definitely some money to be made when you promote our high-quality, top-selling laptops.


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Congratulations on being accepted to the® Affiliate Program- one of the best and highest paying affiliate programs out there. I'd like to tell you that we are very excited to have you on board, and that I am here to help with all your needs and to answer any questions you may have. Proceed to establish the ideas of how you will be incorporating our creatives within your respective sites.
If you need particular customized banners, such as something that would be directly targeting your site and traffic audience, please let me know and I will do my best to develop them. Please feel free to contact me for anything at all. I will do everything in my power to accommodate your needs. Make sure to include your affiliate ID in all communications.


Call Now: 877-567-2540
Everything else being equal, new content will rank higher than older content in search engine results. Of course everything isn't equal. But this is an important factor because you are competing against a lot of other useful and unique web pages out there, so if you can be newer, why not! As a broad strategy this means that you need to create a constant stream of new content on your site. Write a new page every week for your wine website covering a new variety of grape. Write a new blog entry each day if you're a blogger. If you're out of ideas on what to write on, revisit older blog entries and write an updated version on the same subject. 
Pretend you're Google: A friend asks you to recommend a good article on Merlot grapes. You find two of them and they're very similar so you recommend the newer one. Google does the same thing.


Call Now: 877-217-6774
I've always thought that the "good old days" of easy search engine rankings were a thing of the past. At one point, you could just copy the "meta tags" of a site you wanted to out-rank, submit your site to the search engine and top rankings. As you know - that's ancient history. Now it takes solid content and major link-building efforts. And months of just waiting. At least, that's what I once believed. But today, I think  might have actually been wrong. I just finished watching a video that has literally left me stunned and a little confused. I don't honestly know what to think about it yet. All I can say is if this is for real.